
Our Impact

Our Approach

Annaly has a long-standing commitment to best-in-class management and governance practices. We believe that thoughtful integration of ESG priorities into our overall strategy allows us to have a positive impact and create durable value for all of our stakeholders: our shareholders, employees, business partners and communities.

Our Key Corporate Responsibility Areas

As a responsible steward of capital, Annaly views ESG factors as a critical component for achieving strategic business objectives, managing risks and delivering superior shareholder returns.

Corporate Governance

Maintain our long-standing commitment to strong corporate governance practices that benefit the long-term interests of our stakeholders


Human Capital

Promote the well-being, active engagement, development and full potential of our employees


Responsible Investments

Invest in and finance housing across the country, which strengthens the long-term growth of the economy, and the vitality of local communities



Promote sustainable and environmentally friendly practices in our daily operations


As a leader across residential mortgage finance, we view corporate responsibility as a lens that promotes long-term value creation and risk mitigation. We are proud of our industry-leading initiatives and of what we have accomplished to date.

Tanya Rakpraja
Head of Corporate Responsibility and Government Relations

Recognition, Acknowledgement & Initiatives


Bloomberg Gender
Equality Index

Annaly was acknowledged in 2023 for its sixth consecutive year as a member of the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index ("GEI"), recognizing Annaly's commitment to advancing women in the workplace.


50/50 Women
on Boards

With 33% female representation among our Directors, Annaly is rated as 3+ by 50/50 Women on Boards, a national campaign advocating for gender- balanced boards.

FTSE Russell FTSE4Good Index

FTSE Russell
FTSE4Good Index

Annaly was included in the FTSE4Good Index, an equity index series designed to measure the performance of companies demonstrating strong Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices, for the fifth consecutive year in 2023.


CEO Action for
Diversity & Inclusion

At Annaly, we are committed to taking action to make our workplace and communities more inclusive. 

We are proud to be a signatory of CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion.